Introduction of Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship Trust

Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship is a prestigious scholarship awarded by the Government of Bangladesh which has created opportunities for Bangladeshi researchers to conduct world-class science and technology research through higher education at home and abroad. The Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship Trust was established in 2016 as an institution of the Ministry of Science and Technology in memory of the greatest Bengali of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In the light of the sincere guidance of the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, “Science and Technology Fellowship Trust” provides fellowships for MS, Doctoral and Post-doctoral level studies in renowned educational and research institutes at home and abroad with the aim of producing qualified technologists and researchers specialized in various fields of science and technology. Through the application of the knowledge, skills and experience gained by Fellogon, the trust is continuously working for the implementation of Bangabandhu’s dream of Sonar Bangla, science-minded nation building, digital Bangladesh construction and the overall development of the country. Previously, the project titled “Bangabandhu Fellowship on Science and ICT” was implemented from July 2010 to December 2017. Under the scheme, a total of 221 people including 50 MS, 60 PhD in the country, 100 abroad and 11 in the post-doctoral level have been awarded fellowships. Later, the Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship Trust Act 2016 was enacted and the Science and Technology Fellowship Trust was formed on May 4, 2016 under the said Act. Since the establishment of the Trust till date (up to the financial year 2021-2022) 447 people have been awarded fellowships at home and abroad out of which 154 have already completed their studies and 293 are in progress of study and research work.

Mission of Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship Trust

To provide fellowships for higher level study and research in the field of science and technology at home and abroad with a view to creating qualified, skilled and trained manpower in the field of science and technology.

Vision of Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship Trust

To meet the demands of the increasing population, there is no alternative but to intensify research in all sectors. Research is such a work, where there is no time limit. A person can end his or her job tenure, but cannot leave their research works half-done. So,  researchers can be given special facilities including financial support and extension of job tenure.
